Start up page

Start up page

The following screen capture describes the main sections of this page:


The first section at the Top right:

A- Activate: This button is used to activate your licence.

B- Updates: This button looks for new updates of Studio tax.

C- Francais: You can switch the language using this button.

D- Exit: You can close the software using this button.

The next section is to create/Open a file:

  1. Open an existing return: if you have already started your return and saved it on your computer, you can click this option to browse to your file and select the saved file on your computer.

  2. Create a new return: this option is used to create a new empty return from scratch.

  3. Create a new 2022 return from your 2021 return: this option is used to import your basic information from last year's return to create a current tax year return.

  4. Help links: this section is for the documentation and some usefull links to this how to manual.

  5. Recent returns: the recently opened returns will be shown under this section. We have added some information about the file, like the file name, a "show the file's folder" link to help you locate the file on your computer, as well as the creation and last modification date.